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Create transaction

To create transaction, you can follow the flow outlined below.

List of queries and mutations in use:


On createTransaction you should re-fetch user data related to the amounts send and delivered, and raisedFlags.

Inbound selection for the transaction

Once transation is created, you can instruct user to make payment for the transaction.

Present InboundServiceType list for user to select inbound:

  • If there are items in paymentMethods show them all with, if not
  • you can show an image based on the code or present displayName;

When user selects inbound (if there are paymentMethods provide paymentMethodId, inbound: is InboundServiceType.code) use mutation userMutations.initiatePayment: InboundResponseType

Based on inbound integration, InboundResponseType can have different values and flows:

  • If a newTab is true open new tab with navigateURL value;

List of queries and mutations in use:

Continue transaction

To be able to continue an transaction, check on the continue attribute on Transaction. For this transactions you can start from inbound selection for the transaction.

Cancel transaction

To be able to cancel an transaction, check on the canCancel attribute on Transaction. For cancelation use userMutations.cancelTransaction mutation.

Transaction history

To show transaction history for transaction use userQueries.transactionHistory query.