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Flags & Tickets

Our system employs flags to monitor user behaviors, and depending on predefined limits, it either provides additional or limits existing functionalities. Every flag can be linked to a corresponding ticket, facilitating communication between managers and users to address and resolve issues.


Currently, raised flags can be on the User or Transaction level. The RaisedFlagType among the others, contains info on level and the flag itself. There are few flag types that usualy apers on teh end user side:

  • QUESTIONNAIRE_MISSING - user needs to submit questionaire;
  • EMAIL_NOT_VERIFIED - user needs to verify email;
  • PHONE_NOT_VERIFIED -user needs to verify phone number;
  • KYC_MISSING - user needs to submit KYC;
  • REGISTER_PAYMENT_METHOD - user needs to register payment method.

More details can be found on the FlagType.

You should always show unresolved raised flags on the user level.


If a manager decides that the user needs to provide additional details related to the raised flag (e.g. a user was unable to pass KYC), a manager can create a ticket based on that raised flag.

It will allow a manager to communicate with a user via messages. Messages may include text or files that require action from the manager.