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This general flow ensures that the user's provided contact information is valid and that they have control over the communication channels associated with their account. It helps enhance security and reduces the risk of fraudulent activities.

Email verification

The user submits their email address through a registration form. A system generates a unique verification code and sends it to the provided email address.

The user is notified through the user interface that a verification code has been sent (view Raised Flag section).

The user retrieves the verification code from their email. They enter the verification code into the provided field on the platform.

The system checks whether the entered code matches the one generated and sent to the user.

  • If the verification code is correct, the user is successfully verified. Access to the account or additional functionalities may be granted.
  • If the verification code is incorrect or expired, the user is prompted to re-enter the correct code or request a new one.

Please check:

  • userMutations.verify and
  • userMutations.resendVerificationCode

Phone verification

If phone verification is enabled, the flow is the same as above.